Fruits for the Week

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The word ‘Ar-Raheem’ is repeated in the Holy Qur’an 115 times as the name of Allah. Mercy implies a comparison with other beings or with other times or places, while there is no being like unto Allah. Mercy may imply piety, patience, or forgiveness – all which the sinner needs and Allah Most Merciful bestows in abundant measure. Where the terrible consequences of evil (the rejection of Allah) are mentioned, there is always stress laid on Allah’s attributes of Grace and Mercy.

The Mercy of Allah is always present as the sun is always shining. But when we have prepared ourselves to receive it, we come to the full enjoyment of it, as a man who was in the shade comes out through his effort into the open and basks in sunshine.

Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful. Even when we suffer trials and tribulations, it is for our good, and no one can remove them except He when, in His plan, He deems best for all concerned. Of Allah’s innumerable favors, His mercy and forgiveness in the spiritual plane are the greatest and are of eternal value to us in our future lives.

In connection with the accusation of infidelity by a man against his wife, they were both reminded of Allah’s mercy and warned against suspicion and untruth. The believers were told to be wary of false rumors, lest they should cause pain and division among themselves; it is Allah’s grace and mercy that keeps them united. There may be conspiracies and snares lain by evil people against simple ones, but it is Allah’s grace that protects them. The general warning directs us to the observance of purity in acts and thoughts, concerning one’s self and concerning others. It is only Allah’s grace that can keep that purity spotless, for He hears prayers and knows of all the snares that are spread in the path of the good.

The poor unfortunate girls, who are victims of such a nefarious trade, will yet find mercy from Allah, whose bounties extend to all His creatures.

Nothing that powers of evil can do will ever defeat the merciful purpose of Allah. Evil, in resisting good, will affect its destruction.

Defensible from certain aspects, was yet something from his past that had to be washed off, and Allah, Off-Forgiving, Most-Merciful, did it out of His abounding grace. Nay, more; he was given a pure, radiant hand, as a sign from Allah.

Allah’s attributes, then, may be assumed concerning Knowledge, Power, and Mercy. Where our knowledge is partial and uncertain, His is complete and certain. Where our power often falls short of the carrying out of our will or needs the help of time, His is complete and conterminous with His will. Where our mercy seems to be bounded by or opposed to justice, His is absolute and unconditioned.

The revelation brings the message of grace and mercy; it is not merely a book of Dark Sayings, but everything is explained clearly and from various points of view. It is in Arabic, the language of the people among whom it was first promulgated, and is therefore easily intelligible to them if they take the trouble to understand. It opens the way to forgiveness through repentance and gives warning of all spiritual dangers. Through Allah’s infinite mercy and forgiveness, they will now be in the position of guests to host and will receive unnumbered gifts out of all proportion to their own merits.

Whatever good we do, our own merits are comparatively small. This emphasizes the need for Allah’s grace. Allah’s grace must lift us and blot out our shortcomings. Even in piety, there may be arrogance, which may become a sin. We should always seek Allah’s mercy in all humility.

Allah is He that makes the ship go smoothly for us through the sea, so that we may seek his bounty. This illustration of the sea and the skill with which, by Allah’s grace, men pass through it with ease to earn material gains by commerce, social gains by human intercourse, and spiritual gains by knowledge, is frequently used to enforce Allah’s goodness to man; for He is unto us Most Merciful.

But even in the case of great crimes, if there is true repentance as tested by a changed life in conduct, Allah’s mercy is available, and it will transform the repentant one’s nature from evil to good.

Before Allah’s mercy, there is always room for repentance and forgiveness, even after treason and crime; but the forgiveness will be according to Allah’s will and plan, by which He will judge the penitent’s sincerity and capacity for good to the highest degree in his favor. Allah’s mercies are for all His creatures, but for those who believe and trust in Him, there are special mercies: “a generous reward”.

Those who remain firm in their faith and covenant will receive the aid of Allah’s grace – their faults and weaknesses will be cured. They will be made worthy of their exalted destiny, for Allah is Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful.

by Sidheeque M. A. Veliankode

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